It's so easy to get stuck in the rut of day-to-day living. Break free from your routine and experience all the benefits of adventuring into the unknown!
I am the person that has my daily tasks and loves to stick to them, just ask my husband. Thankfully, he has a love for doing fun, out of the norm things, so I do get out of the routine because of him! Every time I do, I love it! I'm slowly learning to look outside of my to-do list once in a while so I can see and experience new things.
Our Latest Adventure
On Easter weekend, since my husband had an extra day off, we decided to do something fun. We started our adventure by buying a 12 pack of Tim Hortons donuts because my husband just really wanted some (my family was in shock when they heard this because we never have store-bought treats). I am passionate about and practice healthy eating habits but, since occurrences like this are extremely rare, I don't feel any guilt over eating a couple of donuts (I had 3 of the 12).
We then drove 30-45 minutes out of the city, making stops at places that looked interesting. Over a couple of hours, we observed the thawing Alberta hills and streams (from the car and while walking), saw some road signs in rough shape, a nice little bridge and a poor sick moose!
We then came home and made a fire in our backyard, cooked some home-smoked bacon and burgers (on the fire) along with roasted potatoes and vegetables (in the oven). It was a delicious dinner that ended our afternoon adventure nicely!
Benefits of Adventuring: Physical
When you go adventuring, usually getting up and moving your body is involved. Physical activity can:
- reduce health risks (cancer, diabetes, heart issues, etc)
- boost your immune system (if you adventure outdoors)
- build/maintain strong bones and muscles
- help with weight management
- improve quality of sleep
- improve brain function
- longer, healthier life
- many, many more...
Benefits of Adventuring: Mental
There are also many mental benefits to getting out, having fun and doing something now. These can include:
- reduced stress, depression and anxiety (often resulting in improved mood)
- improved self-confidence
- better appreciation for the good in life
- improved memory and concentration
- improved creativity
- feeling young
- overcoming fear (when you are trying something new!)
Benefits of Adventuring: Relationship
If you are married, remember back when you were dating. Did you go out to do all sorts of fun things like we did? Just off the top of my head, I remember that my husband and I went to street festivals, out to eat at different places, hiked, walked in nature, walked around the city, etc... we just adventured!! Then we got married and something just switched- we were home all the time and not nearly as adventurous. Now it doesn't come as naturally, but we've found that when we intentionally make adventures happen, our relationship is strengthened. It gives us the opportunity to be playful, to interact in different settings and therefore, get to know each other better. It also gives us more fond memories to cherish and it's so much fun experiencing new things with your best friend!
Benefits of Adventuring with Kids
Kids are constantly learning from what's around them. What are they going to learn if they are at home all day, every day, doing the same things? Unfortunately, not as much as they have the potential to. It is SO beneficial for them to experience all sorts of things. The more variety, the better! Go visit all the parks in your city, take some hikes (there are usually a lot of family friendly options- you just have to find them!), the zoo, museums, libraries, local farms, historical sites- there are so many options. You can even just drive somewhere you have never been and take a walk in an interesting new area. It's so exciting for the kids to discover cool things along the way. The joy is in the journey! As mentioned earlier, this also creates great memories together as a family!
Tip: Be prepared with some snacks, water and wet wipes when adventuring with kids! You may end up in a great place when someone gets hungry, thirsty or dirty and it would be a shame to leave before you've fully explored it!
Benefits of Adventuring in Nature
Most of us have experienced breathing clean, crisp air away from the city, and there's nothing quite like it to lift your spirits and calm your mind. There's something about being in nature where you can't hear anything but the leaves rustling in the breeze and a bird flying by that helps your mind refocus on what's important in life. I think we all need that mind shift regularly as we get so caught up in the busyness of this modern world. Being out in nature also reminds you that the world is amazing and there is so much beauty to find in it! There are, of course, many health benefits to being in the sun, breathing clean air and physical activity which I mentioned above.
Tips for How to Start Adventuring
Just start and start small. When you want to make a permanent habit or change in your life, the best way to do it is to start small and be consistent! For example, plan a certain 30 minute block during your week where you will go adventuring. Perhaps that just looks like taking a walk and going a different route than you normally would, or maybe driving to a new site, park or restaurant. It doesn't have to be a day hike 2 hours away from where you live, although you can definitely go for that if that's what you want!
It's also helpful to create a list of ideas for things to do. Often we want to do something fun, but we just can't think of what to do, so we don't do anything. Take 30 minutes to do some research and compile a list of events, places to see, places to eat, and things to do in your area and you'll be set for when you feel the urge to go explore! It can even become a checklist to work through if you want to experience all the things on your list!
Intentional Adventuring
Just going through the motions will not produce the happiness that comes from living your life intentionally! Adventuring on purpose doesn't mean you have to plan where you go or what you'll do (although you definitely can!), it just means you set aside time to explore, have fun and get out of the dull day-to-day routines we often find ourselves in. You will find benefits to your physical and mental health, as well as strengthened relationships with your partner and children. And when it comes down to it, your life will be more FUN and more FULFILLED! And isn't that what we all want?
Happy adventuring!
How Do You Adventure?
What are your methods for regularly getting out and having fun? I'd love to hear your ideas in the comments below; I can always use more tips on this subject!
More Intentional Living Inspiration
Great ideas! I love outdoor adventuring, but a few of my favourite memories are urban too. Exploring White Ave on a summer afternoon, Edmonton's Chinatown, a Calgary park and a trip to Dublin and London all come to mind. Part of what made them special was that I was with beloved family members. My point is, we can have adventures anywhere we live, and doing new things together increases the bonds of love and friendship.
Luke Smith
I like that you mentioned how getting up and moving your body is usually involved when you go adventuring. My friends and I want to be more active, so we are thinking of going adventuring for our next trip. This time, maybe we should go on a Zion canyoneering tour.